Covenant Life Youth Ministry

We exist to glorify God by making disciples of the youths in Covenant Life so that they may come to personally profess their faith in Christ and to follow his commands with a joyful heart.

Who are we?


The vision statement above echoes the Great Commission that Jesus gave to “make disciples of all nations,” (Matt. 28:18-20), and these disciples include us, a group of teenagers who mostly grew up in a second-generation Christian household. In using the word “personally” the statement, we mean that the aim of the Youth Ministry is to teach us the truths of Christ so that we would be shaped and formed to profess our own faith in him rather than our parents’ faith. In saying that we should “follow his commands,” we mean that we should obey Christ’s commandments rather than just knowing him, and this include serving in a multi-generational church where we would be both mentored and also mentoring younger ones entrusted to our care (2 Tim. 2:2). Finally, the phrase “with a joyful heart” reveals the gospel-centeredness of the ministry, so that we may reflect the words of the poem by William Cowper: “To see the law by Christ fulfilled, and hear his pardoning voice, changes a slave into a child, and duty into choice.” In doing so, we hope that no one would despise us for our youth, but that we could set the believers an example in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity (1 Tim. 4:12).


What do we do?


Currently, our Youth Ministry meets once a week on Friday evenings (8pm) to fellowship with one another and to bask in the teachings of the gospel. We typically meet for an hour and a half, and the program includes game night, various topical discussions on real-world topics, and a small group study based on the gospel series books. Once a year, we hope to go for a mission trip so that our horizon for God’s kingdom is not only limited to obeying him in our daily chores, but also in living and bringing the gospel to the lost.


Come and Join Us!


If you are within the age of middle to high school, we invite you to join us in our fellowship and to grow in this community as we seek to wrestle with our faith and to trust in God more each day. We hope that you will find a place where you can “pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call upon the Lord with a pure heart” (2 Tim. 2:23).

Questions about Youth Ministry?

Leave us a question, give us a call!